Home Microbiome


Integrity of Human Health – Real vs. Fake Strawberries

The berry season has just arrived. I am very lucky to have my Manhattan practice at Union SQ where the famous Farmers Market happens...

Well-Balanced Posture and GAPS Diet

Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride published the GAPS books titled: Gut and Psychology Syndrome - and - Gut and Physiology Syndrome. She describes how GAPS Diet...

Gut-Brain Axis & Well-Balanced Posture

I have been a Somatic Educator focused on well-balanced posture for many years. My education in good posture began when I was born into...

Neurological Problem? First, Check your health of Microbiome!

Postural Imbalance is equals neurological imbalance. Neurological imbalances indicate either a mechanical or chemical deficiency, or both. But what is the root cause of the...

The Human Microbiomes are the foundation of The Posture Balance!

“More than half of your body is not human", say scientists. Human cells make up only 43% of the body's total cell count. The rest...

Gut Dysbiosis & Bad Posture Balance

Microbiome & Posture: I have worked in "Postural Health" more than 20 years. It was all about Alignment, Anatomy, Somatic, Emotional, etc. .... till...

Good Posture is Made from Good Food!

I could not believed it when I found that A GOOD POSTURE is made from GOOD FOOD!   When we try and improve our posture,...

Proper Posture and Digestion

Below is from my monthly column on Natural Awaking Magazine (issued in Hudson County in NJ). https://www.nahudson.com/2019/11/03/289788/proper-posture-and-digestion   In my grandmother’s time, the Japanese still measured...
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