Good Posture is Made from Good Food!

    I could not believed it when I found that A GOOD POSTURE is made from GOOD FOOD!
    When we try and improve our posture, most of us use physical fitness exercises /approach such as Yoga, Pilates, Gyrotonic Expansion System, Noguchi Taiso or Kon-nyaku gymnastic and etc. don’t we?
    As I have seeked a way to improve my posture I have learned many of physical body movement approaches including a neuro-plasticity healing called Feldenkrais Method.
    Feldenkrais Method which I love is a great tool to rebalancing our posture! I truly believe in it and practice in order to support my clients healing from any neurological disorder.
    However, improving our postural balance, we must improve our cellular health and it’s structure. Therefore, the cellular health can not be established without GOOD FOOD! because our cells are made from FOOD!