What are the GAPS?

GAPS is the abbreviation of “Gut and Physiology Syndrome” and “Gut and Psychology Syndrome.”

GAPS is a health problem accompanied by prolonged symptoms caused by an improperly maintained gut microbiome. This state of health is called Gut Dysbiosis. The cause of an improperly maintained gut microbiome is the high toxicity accumulated in our bodies.

The cause of the toxicity accumulated in our bodies is an unhealthy lifestyle, not only in Food & Diet but also in Movement & Posture, Perception & Emotion which I call improper Posture Balance.

Our body comprises 90% microbiome, and only 10% is the genetic material. Therefore, a well-maintained gut microbiome is necessary for a properly functioning immune system since it is also more than 90% of our immune system.

We consider that there are three types of gut microbiomes listed below.

1. Good bacteria,

2. Opportunistic bacteria

3. Bad bacteria

Those three types of microbiomes together maintain the integrity of gut flora. Even those bad bacteria are necessary for properly functioning human health system. However, they must be controlled by good bacteria. When our good bacteria lose their control, then bad bacteria take over the control, which means that we are sick. The prolonged and worsened situation can cause improper organ function.  The health status of this condition is called gut dysbiosis or GAPS.